Janine Lamy


Harry joined the team aged 4 as a rather raw recruit. He was by the up and coming TB stallion Orbis, out of a White Clover mare.

Unlike our nippy little girls he was 17 hands, grumpy, and the first boy in the camp for fourteen years!

At 7 he had started to strengthen up and become more coordinated. I felt he was a bit big for me as a five year old so Martin did most of the early jumping work with him, including a few outings, but I then stole him back and took over full-time. He hunted a little Autumn 09, appeared to be incredibly brave and bold cross country, and although we didn’t get the work done that was planned over the winter he was 8th in our first BE90.

Following some Spring events in 2010, we spent some time practising his SJ through the summer and had a much improved run at Smiths Lawn BE100. A splint then stopped play but since then gained 29 BD points in seven dressage tests, including twice over 70% – not bad for an Irish lad!

Martin and Harry had some fun hedge hopping with the Coakham Bloodhounds through the winter 10-11, and I did only a few Spring events when it became obvious that Harry was uncomfortable. He was diagnosed with a sacroiliac joint problem and also proximal suspensory desmitis. Unfortunately after a few months it became clear that Harry was getting increasingly uncomfortable and not making progress and we said a very sad goodbye in November 2011.

Farewell Harry