Janine Lamy

Brave Pants

Lexi stays at the vets

Lexi stays at the vets

So the weather has been a bit mixed to say the least! South of England was cancelled along with many other events around the country so Lily didn’t get another run until Chilham. Little Lexi ended up staying at the vets for over a week with a very sore fat infected leg so no Munstead or Chilham for her. Getting on for five weeks later and there is still a huge amount of fluid in the hock so we have just rescanned and x-rayed it to make sure that there isn’t anything else going on (which thankfully there isn’t). Best laid plans and all that!

That meant that Ehren has had to fly the flag for the team. Gulp! It was with some trepidation that we headed off to BlueBarn for our first Advanced Medium. She is quite spooky in their indoor arena and for the first Medium test there was sunlight on the surface which always makes life hard. Approaching a spot of sunlight in extended canter requires serious brave pants! For the second test the clouds had arrived and I was trotting around saying to her “hey you can do this, look no patches on the floor!”. And she did. One mistake and an added circle just to reorganise ourselves. We could have danced in better balance but all in all very pleased to have got 65.88% in our first go at this level and winning the class overall. Wow! Ehren done good.

Riding Lottie at Oldencraig BD for Jasmine

Riding Lottie at Oldencraig BD for Jasmine

I then took Jasmine’s Lottie to Oldencraig for the Prelims. This was quite an outing as the Young Horse classes were on at the same time. I can only describe the car-park and warm-up arena as chaotic. Horses broncing all over the place, stallions everywhere, horses yelling and crashing about in lorries. Poor wine buff Jilly Goolden got bucked off right next to me. Fortunately, Lottie wasn’t at all bothered. She was an absolute saint and although rather green in the indoor arena she still brought home the reds and was much more confident in the second test. We went back two weeks later and she went much better in the indoor; more confident and won her test overall. She was rather hormonally challenged and very green in the International arena but didn’t do anything wrong so we were very pleased.

Ehren at Cobham Manor BD

Ehren at Cobham Manor BD

As we withdrew Lexi from Chilham I had the day free and decided on the spur of the moment to take Ehren to Cobham Manor for another go at Advanced Medium. She has never been to Cobham before so it had the potential to be an interesting outing but they do run the higher tests there fairly regularly so I was hoping that Ehren might like it, or at least not hate it! She was amazing considering how she can be at a new venue. Little bit spooky in the medium but really let me ride her in the Advanced Medium, so we were in better balance than at Blue Barn and won overall with 69.11% Amazeballs. Very pleased with the girl.

Lily at Chilham BE100

Lily at Chilham BE100

Lily went to Chilham for the BE100 but was about as awful as she can get. Snatching the reins out of Martin’s hands in the dressage, feisty as anything in the SJ, and continuing on the theme of ‘Lily is a know-it-all’ until she crash landed at fence 9 on the XC. Literally belly flopped onto it having taken a stride out. Luckily Martin just stepped off and she shimmied over the side of it. Oh Lily. With this in mind Martin headed off to a lesson with Nick Turner FBHS and a really productive and interesting lesson it was too. Nick had Martin riding with his reins 4 inches longer and pushing for a more forwards canter. Talking of brave pants! However, it got better and better with her arguing less and thinking more. Lots of homework for Mr Wright. Maybe I should buy him a set of those rainbow coloured reins?!

It has been great to see so many eventing clients picking up the frillies this year. Top marks to Hayley who has never evented before and has been working hard with the dressage and XC with her young horse Baloo. I was absolutely thrilled to hear they ended up 4that the Munstead UA, their first event.

Highlight of the month has to go to Jasmine though. Four years ago I started working with her and Kevin. They were competing at BD Prelim level and it was not entirely uncommon for them to get a below 60% score. He doesn’t find dressage particularly easy and still has the odd bad day but at BlueBarn he cantered down the centre line and performed his and Jasmine’s first Advanced Medium. I was so proud of them I could barely watch. What makes it all the lovelier is that he is a home bred horse and she has put all the work in herself. Top banana!!

May 13, 2016 Posted by | Dressage trainer, Eventing trainer, Instruction, Our Horses, Results | , , , , | Leave a comment